
In 1989, Canadian educator Jean-Louis LEBEL, at the suggestion of a priest from the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles, began an investigation to understand the issues faced by children and adolescents living on the streets, with the aim of determining if he could contribute to addressing the problem. This research started in Cuzco, where contacts were made with homes and institutions to learn about methodological approaches, and it continued in Lima. At that time, there were very few state or private shelters available to care for children and adolescents living on the streets.

In December 1989, Jean-Louis LEBEL began working on the streets and plazas of downtown Lima, with Plaza San Martín being one of the key locations. As a result of this experience, the immediate need to offer an alternative to children and adolescents was identified.

The Friendship of the Child

Jean-Louis Lebel

“I would go every day, mostly at night because during the day the children were scattered. Starting at seven in the evening, children, adolescents, young adults, and homeless adults would begin to gather in the southwestern part of the plaza. Until midnight or one in the morning, they engaged in theft and the consumption of Terokal or cocaine base paste. I couldn’t intervene to stop them because they would have ‘kicked me out’ of the plaza. They respected me and knew that I did not share in their activities. It was a taboo topic between us. If a child dared to take out their little bag and if an adult (from the street) noticed, they would give them a resounding slap, saying, ‘Respect the priest.’

From the beginning, it was a rule for me not to bring them clothes, food, or anything. Other support groups helped them, but I thought that providing aid right there would make it harder for them to decide to leave the street. My intention was to earn their trust and friendship to later open a center where I could take them in. It seemed obvious to me that they needed to be removed from there to truly help them.”

The Beginning of the Shelter Home

This is how the idea of providing a home for children and adolescents to live in came about. Without a formulated plan, a house was rented in downtown Lima. This was the beginning of the open shelter home. The fundamental principle was based on the voluntary entry of the child or adolescent and the development of a rehabilitation plan according to their needs.

In June 1990, the first child was taken in, and on August 14, 1990, the Center for the Integration of Abandoned Minors – CIMA was legally established.

Initially, the capacity was for 8 children and adolescents. Gradually, the staff was expanded with psychologists and social workers, as needed.

In September 1991, all the children and adolescents were moved to a new facility donated by Engineer Federico Jahncke, located in Huarangal, Cieneguilla district. The number of residents gradually increased, reaching 60 children and adolescents. The variety of workshops offered to the children was also expanded, and the number of tutors was doubled.

In 1996, the residents were moved to another site, also located in Cieneguilla, where the CIMA home continues to operate to this day. Along with the growth of the home, a formalization process was developed, including the incorporation of staff into payroll in 2005 and the adoption of various internal documents (staff code, internal regulations, organization and functions manual).

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