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The project is aimed at male children and adolescents between the ages of 8 and 17, who live on the streets or who are in a high-risk situation and require rehabilitation.

The profile of sheltered children and adolescents has changed since the beginning of CIMA.

At the beginning, CIMA exclusively cared for street children, who were separated from their families due to socio-economic crisis within them and/or due to the physical or moral abuse they received. Living on the street, they were exposed to numerous dangers that compromised their physical and moral integrity and impeded their normal development. Generally, they presented strong self-care and self-esteem problems.

Little by little, this population has been replaced by children in situations of high psychosocial risk. Many of them come from a dysfunctional (separated couple) or disjointed family unit (a fixed home for the child cannot be identified) but already maintain contact with their family. Generally, children escape from the authority of their parents and develop behaviors that put them at psychosocial risk: staying on the street, dropping out of school, belonging to gangs, gambling problems, Internet dependence and drug use. Children are characterized, above all, by the rejection of discipline and behavioral problems.

Most of the children come from families that lack the economic resources to meet their needs (limited access to basic health and education services) and that struggle to fulfill the double role of work and childcare. Many also grow up in a family environment where relationship patterns are developed that tend to affective indifference, irresponsibility in roles and functions, marital violence, child abuse and alcohol and other drug use problems.

The children and adolescents who come to CIMA often present psychological traumas that translate into low self-esteem and behavioral problems (indiscipline, disordered life, aggressiveness, distrust of adults), health problems (malnutrition, skin problems due to lack of hygiene, venereal diseases), low educational level and inadequate behavior patterns (loss of values).

General objectives

  • Provide an open home for children and adolescents who live on the streets or are in a situation of high psychosocial risk, due to family socio-economic crisis situations.
  • Provide comprehensive care to children and adolescents to meet their basic needs of affection, housing, food, clothing, physical and mental health, education, in order to overcome their problems.
  • Facilitate the personal and comprehensive development (physical, emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual) of children and adolescents.
  • Reintegrate children and adolescents into their families, when possible.
  • Provide follow-up to children and adolescents reintegrated into their families to prevent problems from recurring.

Specific objectives

  • Integrate children and adolescents into the life of the family home by making them participate in domestic tasks: cleaning, preparing food, washing pots and clothes, among others.
  • Interrelate children and adolescents through sports, recreational and artistic activities.
  • Offer children and adolescents to participate in their own training, developing occupational learning programs (workshops).
  • Reintegrate children and adolescents into the educational system and provide them with technical training that allows them to develop autonomously in their adult lives.
  • Develop follow-up work with families so that they assume their role and responsibility.