Help us to help

At Hogar CIMA, we are committed to the well-being and future of vulnerable children and adolescents. Your generosity can make a difference in their lives and help them build a brighter future. Here are some ways you can contribute:

Donations through Various Payment Methods:

Your donation can provide food, education, healthcare, and recreational activities for our residents. Every contribution, no matter how small, is valuable and appreciated.


Monthly Donation:

By becoming a monthly donor, you help us plan and provide continuous and sustainable support to our residents. Your monthly commitment can make a significant difference in their long-term well-being.

Donation of Goods:

We also accept donations of food, clothing, personal hygiene items, school supplies, and other essentials that can benefit our residents. These resources are crucial to ensuring their comfort and well-being in our facilities.

Wills and Bequests:

If you are considering leaving a lasting legacy, you can include Hogar CIMA in your will or trust. Your legacy will help secure the future of our programs and services for generations to come.

Corporate Donations:

If you represent a company or organization interested in collaborating with us, we are open to establishing strategic partnerships and developing joint projects that benefit our community.

Hogar CIMA

Your support is crucial to our work at Hogar CIMA. Together, we can provide opportunities for a better future to the most vulnerable children and adolescents in our society. Thank you for your generosity and solidarity!

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