Daily Life at CIMA

Academic Studies

Most of the children are enrolled in public schools in the area. Those with significant academic delays, low educational levels, or severe behavioral problems continue their education directly at CIMA with teachers from the Center for Basic Alternative Education (CEBA).

All children, whether enrolled in public schools or at CIMA, participate in leveling classes during the week.

The objectives of these classes are:

  • ALFABETIZAR A LOS NIÑOS que no han asistido al colegio
  • MOTIVAR Y DESARROLLAR EL GUSTO POR LOS ESTUDIOS (mediante métodos educativos alternativos con dinámicas y dibujos)
  • TRABAJAR LOS VALORES (disciplina, participación, igualdad dentro del grupo)

To work with children of different educational levels, the leveling teachers develop progressive modules tailored to each child’s academic level.

Therapeutic and Occupational Workshops

Farm work, carpentry, sewing and crafts, fabric painting, music, hydroponics, technical initiation, and computing. These activities take place from Monday to Friday. Children who study outside attend school in the morning and have leveling classes in the afternoon, so only those enrolled at CIMA participate in the workshops.

The workshops aim to:

  • UNA FUNCIÓN TERAPÉUTICA.  A través de los talleres se aprende la disciplina y se transmiten valores. Además, los talleres sirven como una terapia ocupacional, ocupando las manos y la mente de los niños para que, de esta manera, no tengan tiempo de pensar en malos recuerdos de su vida antes de CIMA.
  • LA ADQUISICIÓN DE UN CONOCIMIENTO TÉCNICO.  Los talleres dan a los niños una formación técnica, que puede servir de base para un futuro trabajo. Algunos niños han decidido especializarse en este ámbito y han conseguido trabajo.
  • LA VALORIZACIÓN DE LOS TALENTOS. Los talleres ofrecen la oportunidad a los niños de desarrollar sus aptitudes manuales y de descubrir que tienen talentos.
  • LA GENERACIÓN DE INGRESOS PROPIOS. Los talleres ayudan en la parte económica de la institución de varias formas:
    • generación de productos para el consumo interno (acvidad agropecuaria)
    • generación de productos para la venta (productos de los talleres de pintura en tela, confección y manualidades y apicultura)
    • realización de trabajos de mantenimiento del hogar



Spiritual life plays an important role in the rehabilitation process of the children and adolescents.

While it is not mandatory to be of the Christian faith to enter CIMA, daily community prayers are obligatory. These are important moments in the home’s life, strengthening the children’s personal development, teaching values, and reinforcing cohesion among them. Additionally, outings to Mass are organized on weekends.

Children who wish to do so receive preparatory talks for first communion or confirmation.

Recreational Activities

Sports are a significant activity for the personal development of children and adolescents. From Monday to Friday, they have one hour of mandatory sports, and soccer tournaments are organized on weekends.

  • El deporte sirve como terapia ya que canaliza las energías negativas y permite detectar las actitudes de violencia (agresión física, verbal,…) para luego cambiarlas.

CIMA also has a well-equipped library with reference books, literary works, stories, and school texts.

  • Los profesores de nivelación tanto como los del CEBA la utilizan cada semana.
  • Además hay tiempos de lectura libre durante la semana por la noche y los fines de semana durante los cuales los niños pueden divertirse con juegos de mesa y pedir prestamos de libros.
  • A través de esta actividad se incentiva el gusto de la lectura como herramienta de desarrollo personal.

Additionally, on weekends, other educational or recreational activities are organized: informational talks and awareness workshops on health and sexuality, artistic activities, events such as celebrating the children’s birthdays, CIMA’s anniversary, or the annual reunion of former residents, among others.

CIMA has also developed partnerships with allied organizations (schools, student groups, associations) that offer occasional activities for the children and support CIMA with financial or material donations.

Periodically, a “Talent Afternoon” is also organized, during which children and adolescents can showcase their skills in singing, music, poetry, drawing, dance… This event is crucial for boosting the self-esteem of the children and adolescents.

Participation in Community Life

Life in the community involves children taking part in certain tasks for the benefit of everyone. They are required to take care of cleaning and tidying their pavilion. Additionally, they must do mandatory hours in the kitchen and on the farm, cultivating the land and raising animals, activities that provide for the home’s consumption.

  • Estas tareas hacen parte del proceso de aprendizaje de las valores de disciplina y de higiene de vida.
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