Comprehensive Education at CIMA


How You Can Contribute
• Financial Donations: Help cover operational and material costs.
• In-Kind Donations: Educational materials, tools, and protective equipment.
• Volunteering: Share your time and knowledge with our youth.
• Promotion: Help us spread the word about our mission and activities.
Thanks to your generosity, we can continue providing a home full of learning, love, and hope for all the children and adolescents at CIMA. We count on you!


At CIMA, the comprehensive education of children and adolescents is a priority. Our goal is for each young person to learn through daily activities, developing skills and values that will serve them throughout their lives.
From the moment they wake up, the children participate in a structured routine that includes personal hygiene, tidying and cleaning their rooms, preparing and eating meals, and maintaining common areas. These daily activities are essential for instilling habits of discipline, responsibility, and respect.

Daily Routines
The day begins with preparation for prayer and a series of workshops and activities. The children attend school classes and learn to interact assertively and respectfully. Training includes proper use of free time, resource management, and the importance of hygiene and cleanliness in daily life.

Weekends and Social Interaction
During weekends, the atmosphere is more relaxed, allowing the children to enjoy quality time with visitors and family as part of the family reintegration program. They also participate in community life through local outings, liturgical celebrations at the parish, and socio-cultural activities.

Ecological and Sustainable Education
CIMA is also dedicated to promoting ecological and sustainable living. Children learn to recycle unused materials, manage liquid and solid waste, and participate in composting and biodigestion processes to produce biogas and bio-fertilizer. These practices not only teach environmental care but also foster teamwork and community responsibility.

Ecological Projects
Ecological projects include beekeeping and creating environments conducive to their development, as well as promoting hydroponic cultivation. These crops are complemented by fish farming, creating a nutrient cycle that benefits both animals and plants.

Impact of Comprehensive Education
The entire home becomes a continuous learning environment, where every activity is designed to educate and develop the children. The comprehensive education they receive at CIMA prepares them to be responsible, respectful, and environmentally conscious individuals, ready to integrate and contribute positively to society.

Your Support is Vital
To continue this work of comprehensive education, we need your help. Donations are crucial for maintaining and improving our facilities, acquiring materials, and continuing to offer these life-changing programs.