Psychology Workshops



The Psychology Workshop at CIMA is based on psychological training programs focused on behavioral modification. Our goal is to intervene holistically with children and teenagers, addressing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, family, and social aspects. Through the replication of thematic workshops, we seek to identify and restructure maladaptive schemas, irrational beliefs, and thoughts, thereby achieving emotional healing and behavioral change in the minors.

Therapeutic Achievements
With children and teenagers:
• Self-control: Strengthening self-esteem and anger management.
• Self-regulation and social skills: Developing emotional and social intelligence.
• Service orientation: Promoting stress management, empathy, tolerance, assertiveness, and handling frustrations.
• Comprehensive education: Addressing sexuality, addiction prevention, and violence prevention.
• Emotional well-being: Practices in relaxation, meditation, and improvement in pronunciation (language articulation).

With tutors and teachers:
• Behavior diagnosis and management: Creation of sociograms and application of behavior management techniques, confrontation theory, and handling of tantrums and meltdowns.
• Training in psychological theories: Education on antisocial and psychopathic personality, as well as defiant personalities.
• Strengthening family bonds:
Monthly meetings with parents: Teaching on affective development stages, adolescence, parenting styles and discipline, habit formation, and prevention of addictions and violence.

Educational Achievements
The psychology department implements its treatment through an initial evaluation, individual and group therapy, family talks, training programs, counseling, and reintegration. This year, efforts will focus on three fundamental pillars:

Developing new skills in the beneficiaries:
• Individual attention: Based on initial evaluation interviews, follow-up of the Individual Development Plan (IDP), individual sessions, evolutionary assessments, and personalized counseling.
• Group attention: Group talks and discussions focused on specific objectives.

Reinforcing the criteria for teachers and tutors:
• Ongoing training: Meetings and discussions to address specific needs, share criteria and problems, and learn case management techniques.

Strengthening family bonds:
• Social reintegration program: In collaboration with Social Work, programs such as:

Parent school: Scheduled meetings to address relevant topics.
Vocational guidance: Life planning and career guidance for beneficiaries aged 17 and 18.
Consultations: Home visits, follow-up calls, and family meetings, including with former members of the home.
Productive Achievements
The resources and skills acquired through the various programs, group workshops, and reintegration efforts allow children and teenagers to return to their homes, choose a new life path, and, in some cases, restart their lives with new perspectives. This includes the possibility of marriage and starting families within a renewed family atmosphere, fostering positive interpersonal relationships without maladaptive behaviors.

To continue this important work, we need your support. Your donations will allow us to continue offering these life-changing programs.

Ways to Contribute:
• Financial Donations: Help cover operational and material costs.
• In-kind Donations: Educational materials, tools, and protective equipment.
• Volunteering: Share your time and knowledge with our youth.
• Awareness: Help us spread the word about our mission and activities.

With your generosity, we can continue to provide an environment of learning, love, and hope for all the children and teenagers at CIMA. We are counting on you!