About Us

A Home Where Hope Lives!

The Center for the Integration of Abandoned Minors – CIMA is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive care to children and adolescents who live on the streets or are in high-risk situations and require rehabilitation, with the aim of reintegrating them into their homes and society.

Children and/or adolescents from nine to seventeen years old are welcomed with the purpose of reintegrating them into their homes and society once rehabilitated.

CIMA’s values are in harmony with a deep love for others within a humanistic and Christian context. We make great efforts to provide the child with a home where their basic needs for affection, shelter, food, health, education, training, and everything that contributes to making them good people can be met.

Raising their self-esteem through assigned responsibilities, self-help meetings, and leading by example are the fundamental objectives of CIMA.



We are an open-access home that seeks to modify the attitudes, behaviors, and habits of minors with behavioral problems who voluntarily accept therapeutic treatment. This treatment includes daily tasks and formative activities with a family-oriented approach, developed by a dedicated team committed to integrating families into an appropriate process of change.


To be an institution recognized for behavioral modification and the comprehensive development of minors, supported by well-prepared and committed collaborators, with the necessary resources to achieve family and social reintegration.

Our Values


Consideration and deference to the beneficiary minors and their families, recognizing them as subjects of rights but primarily as people with a need for affection and opportunities.


An obligation driven by the service to minors who require specialized attention to overcome their family and behavioral problems.


A feeling and manifestation of affection, dedication, and devotion to the minors for whom we work with care.