The Smile of the Month
Brayan Barzola
Hello, my name is Brayan; I will tell you about my life on the street and my life at CIMA. On the streets, I robbed strangers, my parents and my relatives. With the stolen money, I went to video games, used the internet, and tried to get home at 12 or 1 in the morning, for fear of being beaten. That’s why my parents decided to bring me to CIMA. First, I thank Father Jean-Louis for welcoming me: here at CIMA, through the workshops, I learned farming, carpentry, technical initiation and music. In the carpentry shop, I learned to make lamps and decided to put knives away. In music, I learned to play zampoña, drums and guitar. I am very happy to be at CIMA. Thank you.

Testimony: Wilson Caso – Ex-CIMA.
Hello, my name is Wilson; I went through very difficult times from a very young age. Thank God, Father Jean-Louis received me at CIMA; otherwise, I would be imprisoned or dead. I am grateful to CIMA, who gave me education and took care of my health. I learned many things and I value them greatly, because I became a good person. I currently live abroad, I have a job and I am doing well. Without CIMA, I wouldn’t have made it. Thank you.

Testimony of Mario Huayapa – collaborator
Music has been part of me since I was very young. Many times, it seemed impossible to learn to play different instruments. However, my perseverance and my desire to learn would persist: “Wanting is Power”. Since I was a teenager, I studied with boys from CIMA who were my classmates. I worked at CIMA between 2007 and 2008, then traveled the world for 10 years living from music. I have been back since 2017, contributing my experience with my students. One motivation to belong to the CIMA home is its children, because several have musical skills that they do not know they have. With music, they overcome their personal barriers, solidifying their self-confidence. With practice, they acquire values and skills that will be very useful for “their upcoming battles in life”. I teach them different musical instruments they choose to learn, always highlighting the importance of their personal will, and most particularly their emotional development. It is gratifying to see that music is a tool for change that strengths their behavior. Also, music prepares them to face their future development in society. The boys who stand out, make it to the musical group Wayra Marka, which participates to different indoors and outside activities depending on the needs.

Workshops and various activities
school support and leveling
March marks the beginning of the school year in Peru. For many of the children who arrive at CIMA, there is a gap between their chronological age and their school level. CIMA provides personalized assistance and school leveling in house. Those enrolled in primary school attend the elementary public school “La Libertad”. Those in secondary levels are enrolled in the private school “Blaise Pascal”. Teachers of the school come to teach classes at CIMA.
Birthdays of the month:
Adiel Cajacuri
Jhadiel Chucos
Brayan Sinchi
Julia Huillca
Eddi Fonseca
New children at CIMA:
Ítalo Pinchi Marcelo Pinchi Johan Leiva Michael Gallegos José Linares
Welcome home!
We received the visit of Vanessa Lecointre, director of the Spanish NGO ANQAS. Vanessa shared a few days staying with us, and helped us a lot with her contacts and in the presentation of our projects. Her nephew Gauthier currently volunteers at CIMA. Stefany Gamarra has also visited us with a group of workers from the Telematics company, who shared their experiences with the children and young people of CIMA. In addition, they gave us each a bag with personal hygiene supplies.
Cyclone Yaku caused a lot of damage in the northern part of the country and also in Lima. In Cieneguilla, some urbanizations were affected by the rains and overflows of the river. CIMA’s facilities suffered only minor damage from the rains.

Mrs. Gloria Canchan coordinated a donation with Father Manuel Rodriguez of San Miguel Arcángel Parish. We have received a significant donation of food and other goods.
We were visited by a former volunteer from Germany, Ina Loebel: she gave us a delicious lunch of grilled chicken.
Mrs. Sara Vera coordinated an event that took place at the University Ricardo Palma, where Jean-Louis was invited as a speaker to present his experience in accompanying young people at CIMA.
Anna McVittie and Elba Valencia de Maqueira visited us. Anna has been a friend and benefactor of CIMA for many years. Elba is the daughter-in-law of the founder of the Luzmila Maqueira Home.