Children and School Reintegration
Workshops and Various Activities
School Reinsertion

Children and adolescents join CIMA because of school dropout; their school level does not match the expected knowledge for their age. CIMA provides personalized assistance, support and school leveling for each child in need; they follow EBR (Regular Basic Education) and EBA (Alternative Basic Education) requirements.
Some boys do not have the expected level and cannot enroll in the public primary or secondary schools of Cieneguilla; in this case, we enroll them in a private school and hire teachers to assist them. This way, children and adolescents receive home-schooling to promote academical abilities.
The educational project is called “School reintegration of minors with academic and behavioral difficulties” and aims at assisting children and adolescents aged 8 to 17, with behavioral issues such as: gang membership, aggressive behavior, delinquency, poor academic performance, drug addiction or gambling; some come from violent or dysfunctional families.
On Monday, March 14, school opened officially began in Peru after two years of virtual teaching because of the pandemic of COVID19.
During the pandemic, our children and adolescents remained at CIMA, for the health and safety and health of the whole community. Virtual classes are now replaced by regular school presence with the leveling support of teachers and educators