Newsletter Nº 14
Smile of the Month

Hello, my name is Janter Villalobos and I am 14 years old. I joined CIMA in 2018, four years ago. At CIMA, I learned to paint on canvas, to weld and Ayacucho ceramics,
which is the workshop I like best. I like to play within a group, and tutors teach us discipline.
At CIMA, we are given the opportunity to change.
Workshops and Various Activities
Sports activities

At CIMA, we have areas for sports and recreational activities. Sports has a great educational potential for children and adolescents. It is important for the physical, mental, emotional and social formation.
At CIMA, these activities are encouraged since they all carry benefits that physical activity can bring:
– Fewer health problems as adult;
– Less tension and more relaxation, helping to rest better and have a higher sleep quality;
– Exercise your motor coordination, endurance, muscle strength and flexibility, in addition to combating obesity;
– Help a child enjoy the effort and learn to fight for goals: it brings more stability and discipline;
– Sports help reach emotional stability;
– Sports increase self-esteem and the mood is positive, which allows a person to face problems with a positive attitude;
– Sports help personality development.

– Exercise your motor coordination, endurance, muscle strength and flexibility, in addition to combating obesity;
– Help a child enjoy the effort and learn to fight for goals: it brings more stability and discipline;
– Sports help reach emotional stability;
– Sports increase self-esteem and the mood is positive, which allows a person to face problems with a positive attitude;
– Sports help personality development.
Hello, my name is Victor Flores and I am 30 years old. I have been a sales manager for ten years in the Polvos Azules shopping center (Lima).
I came to CIMA at the age of 14. The reason for my arrival into the home was due to an addiction to video games on the Internet. My parents chose to send me to CIMA so that I could get my life on track. This was the best decision they made. At first, it was not easy to adjust because we each have different issues.
Today I am grateful to CIMA to have become a man of integrity, respecting and valuing life.
Thank you very much, Father Jean-Louis for founding CIMA and giving me a hand when most needed it.

Sandra Ortiz
Realizing that there is so much injustice in some parts of my country filled my soul with helplessness. This directed me to look for an activity where I am needed
After 20 years, God allowed me to continue contributing with my grain of sand in the CIMA home. I can say that my work became a vocation. Salaries are very low and I am concerned about the economic situation of CIMA. My co-workers are affected. Likewise, the economic situation in my country is difficult and the families of our children have a precarious economy.

I will always carry that magical sparkle in my eyes that children give you. It helps to forget for a moment my shortcomings and my needs, and it stimulates my motivation to follow my vocation of helping others.
At Hogar CIMA, I have learned a lot from very valuable people who brought teachings and reflections, shaping my daily life. First, there are the children and teenagers with their innocence, their affection and their support. Today, many of them are part of the CIMA family. They recognize me after so many years, which makes me happy and feels my soul with emotions.
Secondly, the adults whose life belong to CIMA, are indispensable: a man as noble as Don Mario López with his wisdom and joy, made the days of work less loaded and happier.
I received congratulations from the benefactors, which motivates me to continue spreading
their wish to assist those in need. This includes: Mr. Werner Jung of Peru Hilfe, my dear Elise Gonnet of Ayud’art, Mr. Gilles Ducharme of the Adolphe et Roger Ducharme Foundation, my dear Myra Bowen, Ms. Michelle Cordiez, my dear Sylvia Ayers and Nathalie Fisher of the Fernie group of Canada. They have supported CIMA for more than 20 years. I saw many of them crying out of concern for the CIMA home. I include volunteers from different countries: they leave their country, their time and their family to help our Peruvian children. That motivates me to continue to support children and their families.
I will not forget that a child “D” gave me a poem for Mother’s Day. He told me that he had no mother and that he suffered from other unjust shortcomings. That had a real impact on me; I have been keeping this special letter, and pray to God that He will give many blessings to that young man for the rest of his days.

Marta Phillips
I met Martha when she lived in Washington D.C. At the time, Marta was vice president of the Ivy International Foundation. Thanks to Marta, the foundation began to support CIMA almost from the beginning. In 2000, the foundation invited me with 6 of our musicians for an international meeting. The musical group gave several concerts on that occasion
When her husband passed away, Marta moved to Peru and told me: now I’m going to be able to help you much more! Everywhere she talked about CIMA, in order to attract new donors.
Marta was a vice-president of CIMA for many years, and we always met at her house.
For all of us, Marta has been a great example of courage and dedication. She never complained despite severe health problems. Her passing did not saddened our community, who had the privilege of knowing her.
Thank you Marta.
Jean-Louis Lebel.
Birthday of the Month:
- José Gallegos
- Max Cerna
- Eva Paita
- Claudia Ramírez
May happiness and love be always with you. May all your wishes come true. Happy Birthday.
We celebrated the day of friendship at CIMA on February 14. We had a morning of recreational activities.
Greetings from Jean-Louis Lebel for the day of love and friendship:
”On this day of love and friendship, I want to thank the Lord for giving me a beautiful family and allowing me to meet so many people I have carried in my heart since I met them!
I think of my students and colleagues from Canada, all the children and collaborators who are now at CIMA, the ex-cima and former collaborators, all the friends and benefactors from so many countries, that I have met over the years.
Everyone, each in their own way, has meant something to my life and I will be deeply grateful to you all my life.
May the Lord fill you with blessings on this day!Thank you very much to each of you”.
On Saturday February 26, we had the visit of the representatives of the environmental development area of the Municipality of Lima and representatives of different district governments.
On Sunday February 27, students from the University of Engineering visited our center, to observer and promote our biogas and biol projects.