Infocima May 2021
May 2021 – Newsletter Nº 5

Smile Of The Month
My name is Jhadiel Chucos. I’m 11. I’ve been at CIMA for a year and a half. I am in 5th grade of primary school. What I like most about CIMA are the workshops. My favourite workshop is painting on fabrics because it helps me discover my talent. I value the tutors (mothers), because they correct us with love and make us understand what we did wrong so that we, in the future, we will not do it again. I like to play soccer with my friends; we have fun and play till we get tired. Also, I’m the best at the top game. My favourite animal at CIMA is Zeus our young bull. I like to hike in the hills because it makes us release stress. When I grow up, I want to be a civil engineer. I would like to build roads and bridges, and thus allow people who come with mobility to cross the river and get to CIMA.
Workshops And Activities
Beekeeping Workshop

The beekeeping workshop is part of the Technical Initiation Workshop and started about 20 years ago. Professor Felipe is in charge of this workshop. Children and adolescents come into contact with the fascinating world of bees and learn how to take care of them and extract honey. In addition, our children realize the importance of flowers as a food source for bees and value nature: plants, animals, birds and insects.

Julio Mesicano 43 years old
Hello, I came to CIMA in 1990. I was in several homes during my childhood, but when I arrived at CIMA it was very different from other homes. There was no policeman guarding the door. I felt for the first time the warmth of a home, the warmth of a father, as is Jean-Louis Lebel. He is the person who picked me up from the streets and gave me love, education, home and food. At first it was difficult for me to change the bad habits that he had at the time. Thanks to the people who supported CIMA, I could learn playing guitar with professor Santos Salinas. Music was very important in my personal development, in my recovery and the changes in my life.
How not to thank God for the teacher Mamá Consuelo Vargas, since for her we had the opportunity to study in national schools, occupying the first places in the academic level. I currently have 2 children and I love my family very much. I try to teach everything I learned at CIMA. I have dedicated myself working in companies in the food industry. Now I work as a warehouse supervisor. I thank the Lord for having put CIMA in my life. I also thank Jean-Louis Lebel (My Father) and the people who continue to support CIMA.

Sr. Ana Cecilia Arata Solano
Hello, I am a religious of the Our Lady of Compassion community. Since 2014 I have been at CIMA. At the beginning I was a volunteer and since 2017 I participate as a collaborator in this beautiful mission of welcoming children at high risk and living on the streets. I have served in different areas: social work, administration, and in recent years as the director’s secretary. Although my work has a lot to do with meetings, benefactors, volunteers and organization of archives. I rescue being a witness to the daily life of CIMA.
Since I came to this family, in my heart and in my being, there was a click “Love at first sight”.
Here I feel that in my mission as a sister of Compassion and in my personal life the unity was made. It is beautiful to witness the growth of children and adolescents, to see how they arrive and how they leave. Also see how they develop as good people, as brothers, discovering their talents. Of course, this is not achieved without difficulties. Some of them make the decision, much to our regret, to leave CIMA before completing their rehabilitation process. One of the characteristics of CIMA is to respect the children’s decision: they stay and commit themselves in their process of change, until their family reintegration. Otherwise, we advise them, but in the end, they have the decision. If it is not possible to return to the family, we put them in contact with an institution where they can continue their reintegration process. At CIMA, children come first. Time, resources and love are not spared so that they find “A Home where Hope lives”, where they can overcome the difficulties that brought them. I am happy living my CHARISMA as a Sister of Compassion in this great family where love, service and courage are greater than difficulties. Here, I feel fulfilled as a woman, as a religious of COMPASSION and as a Christian committed to the little ones and the excluded of this society. Thank you Lai, Maritza, Beatriz, and other sisters from whom I received the message in this service. This I could not live without the support and solidarity of my CONGREGATION, the trust of Jean-Louis, Don Jorge, my colleagues, the affection of the children and the commitment of friends and family to CIMA. To all my gratitude.
Thanks to:
Mr. Clemens Oberle President Dr. Sonia Salas Director for Latin America
The WILHELM OBERLE Foundation from Germany has been supporting CIMA for more than 20 years. We are extremely grateful to the Foundation for the help on behalf of our children and adolescents. Thank you, Mr. Clemens, Dr. Sonia and collaborators who constantly care to support us. You are great friends and we deeply value your friendship and dedication.
Several years ago, the OBERLE Foundation promoted the creation of a Solidarity Network made up of all the institutions it supports. These charities promote the integral development of children, youth and adults at social risk and marginalization.
In addition, the foundation annually organizes the Social Fair “Help that gives life”. This fair brings together all the institutions of the Solidarity Network, which have the opportunity to make themselves known and offer their products.
Birthday of the Month:
Children and adolescents: Joseph Cervantes 16 years old Jesús Pérez 15 years old Henry Alca 18 years old Brush Flores 13 years old Eduardo Juárez 12 years old
Collaborators:: Myra Bowen Sr. Ana Cecilia Arata Eduardo Candela Fernando Jiménez Sandra Ortiz Felipe Quispe
People as special as you deserve all the happiness in the world and much more. Happy Birthday!
Welcome to your new home
We welcome the following children who entered CIMA, during the month of May:
- Jordin Infante
- Jens Ruzbel Catalán
Labor Day
On May 1st, we celebrate Labor Day with a community lunch in the CIMA gardens. Each collaborator received a small present. We are very grateful for the valuable contribution of each of them.
Mother’s Day
On Friday, May 7, we celebrate Mother’s Day in advance. We pay tribute to the ladies collaborating in CIMA and the mothers of the boys. For the occasion, we had an evening of talents in which our children presented various artistic numbers: singing, music, dance and theatre. Due to the pandemic, it was not possible to invite the children’s mothers, but the boys had the possibility to greet their mothers through video calls.

A training called “Identifying my life purpose” was given, addressed to all CIMA colaborators. The theme was learning to know themselves and connect with their life purpose. This training has been highly appreciated by all staff. Congratulations to the psychologist Gisella Villafana Arévalo, who has been able to offer a very interesting course.
Training on food handling and processing was also given to the people in charge of the kitchen and the food storage. The course was given by the nutritionist Alicia Montenegro.We thank Dario Gastelo and the Rotary Club Lima Colonial from Peru, Susanna Salvador and the Rotary Club Codroipo Villa Manin from Italy for the two trainings.
An online training was started via zoom that will end in November. The course is on resource mobilization – project design. They are tools that will allow us to optimize the presentation of projects. The people who are receiving this training are Jorge Saavedra, Ana Cecilia and Hernan Escalante. We thank the Montpelier Foundation of United Kingdom and the ANQAS network of Spain, especially Vanessa Lecointre and Arancha Cejudo for this training.
Holy Mass at CIMA
On Saturday May 22, Father Carlos Carrillo, the parish priest, came to CIMA to celebrate the Holy Mass. In that opportunity, Víctor Chipana and Cristian Pérez have received the confirmation sacrament.
We regret to announce the death of the exCIMA José Luis Illa due to covid19. José Luis was 34 years old and the father of 2 children. Our condolences to the Illa family.