Infocima October 2021
Newsletter Nº 10
Smile of the Month

Kevin Samanez
I am 14 years old and have been at CIMA for 2 years. I like to play soccer and also participate in the farm workshop where I take care of the animals: guinea pigs, chickens, ducks, sheep and pigs. Before, I was very rebellious and became a responsible person.
Workshops and Various Activities
Music Workshop – Panpipe Course

Learning the zampoña is part of the music workshop, and it is offered to all children and adolescents at CIMA. The students learn to know the different types of panpipes, the pan flute, the chromatic, the malt, the coarse and the chili. The course is divided into three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. At the beginner’s level, students learn to play simple melodies with only one type of panpipe. At the intermediate level, students learn melodies with more notes and use up to three types of panpipes. At the advanced level, students master different melodies, use all types of panpipes, and master the musical braiding technique. In braiding, a pan is divided into two and is played by two musicians at the same time. The zampoña course is therapeutic and totally practice-oriented.
Segundo Santiago Martínez
Mi nombre es Segundo. Soy uno de los jóvenes criados en el hogar CIMA. Llegué a CIMA en el Año 1990 en los inicios de la casa hogar, cuando estaba ubicado en la calle Puno, en el centro de Lima. Ahí me acogieron con mucho amor. Yo siempre fui un chico inestable, pero en CIMA me ayudaron mucho. Me dieron educación y calor de hogar. Si algo tengo que agradecer a la vida, es haber conocido CIMA, y a ese gran ser humano llamado Jean-Louis Lebel quien fundó este maravilloso hogar. Al igual que a mí, también acogió y sigue acogiendo a más niños y adolescentes. Ahora soy técnico en electrodomésticos. Trabajo en una lavandería industrial. Todo lo que soy, se lo debo primero a Dios, y luego a mi querido hogar CIMA. Ellos nos dieron la oportunidad de crecer y madurar con principios, valores y mucho amor. Me siento orgulloso de ser parte de la historia de CIMA. Termino diciendo: gracias CIMA, gracias padre Jean-Louis.

Pedro Ramos
Hello, I am the educator Pedro Ramos. I came to Cima 15 years ago, with an experience in therapeutic communities. The dynamics of working with teenagers is incredible. Since the beginning, I have had a great pleasure working with the boys, and quickly identified with them. I spent a period of my life in circumstances similar to those many of them went through. Having fun, studying, overcoming your difficulties is part of the process. It is an honor and a great responsibility to be part of that process, that leads the boys to a new lifestyle. Seeing them when I returned to visit after some time, some of them with their partner and children, gives us incredible satisfaction. However, in some cases, they did not do very well because of a lack of perseverance and family support. We did everything in our power to help them.Thank God for putting me on this path, I assume it with great joy. Working alongside people so committed to this work is an honor.God bless you always!A huge hug.


Mario Raúl López Bornaz
Mario has been a collaborator of CIMA for many years, of which 17 as director. Mario has quickly gained the appreciation of both the children and the collaborators and benefactors of CIMA. His sense of humor, his humility and his dedication have made his time at CIMA leave unforgettable memories in everyone’s memory. Mario always said that there are people of “occasion” and people with “vocation”. Through his life and his dedication, Mario has shown that he had an enormous vocation for service. The round trip between CIMA and his house took more than 5 hours a day. Despite that, Mario arrived very early and was the last to leave. Thank you Mario for your valuable contribution to the cause of CIMA
Birthday of the Month:
We salute Jhonatan Linares, Kevin Samanez and Moisés Reyes, who had their birthday this month. We wish you all a very happy year.
Welcome home
We wish a happy stay at CIMA to Kriss Brayan Sinchi who arrived in October.
The Adolphe et Roger Ducharme Foundation from Canada, organized a brunch for the benefit of CIMA, making known what our home has been doing and in this way getting more donations. Father Jean-Louis was present at the meeting and the CIMA household participated through the zoom. We thank the foundation for this initiative and the friends who participated in this social gathering.

In order to be prepared for any emergency, minors and collaborators periodically participate in earthquake drills.

Welcome home Father Jean-Louis. After his trip to Canada, our dear father Jean-Louis was received home with great joy and great emotion.
Tribute to the Lord of Miracles.
Thanks to the initiative of the educator Pedro Ramos, we pay tribute to the Lord of Miracles. We took a tour of the rooms of the house, with songs, prayers and requests.