Boletines, CIMA Hope, Uncategorized


The smile of the month

Miguel Juárez

At the beginning of 2019, my mom suggested I go to the CIMA home. I responded badly to my mother and went to the streets with my friends. My mom called my grandfather and together they brought me to CIMA, which for me is a paradise. I arrived in July 2019. I immediately liked the farm workshop; God also gave me a gift for music and I belong to the Wayra Marka group. As time goes on, I realize that I had stopped responding in a bad way. My mom came to visit and was surprised. Then she stopped visiting me and my grandfather started coming. I thank God and Father Jean-Louis for receiving me in his home and I ask God to give my grandfather many more years of life.

Testimony of Brayan Tananta – ExCIMA

I lived a very beautiful childhood at CIMA. It taught me many things that help me when I need them the most. Thanks to CIMA, I am a good, hardworking, respectful, humble and kind-hearted person. I am grateful to Father Jean-Louis, the tutors and teachers for all their support. Many thanks to my CIMA family. Long live the CIMA home, my home! I hope to always be in touch with my friends, my brothers at CIMA. Also, I want to enjoy the reunions with the whole CIMA family. Benedictions and hugs for all.

Testimony of Pablo Deichmann – volunteer from Germany


My name is Pablo Deichmann and I am 20 years old. I am from Germany and I volunteer at CIMA for one year since September 2022. At CIMA, I help Professor Felipe every morning in the technical initiation workshop. From Felipe I have learned how important humor is in daily work. In the afternoons I help Professor Daniel in the carpentry workshop. Working with wood is a lot of fun and encourages creativity in children. In this workshop students learn to be persevering, because the projects usually last several weeks. It is always worth the time and effort invested, because in the end you get great products such as: cutting boards, chessboards, guitar stands, lamps, etc. Daniel dedicates a lot of time to each child and it is always important for him to know what each student is doing at all times. I also work in hydroponics every day and give German lessons every Tuesday. Every two weeks we go to the food bank and pick fruit and vegetables for CIMA. On Thursdays I pick up food from a supermarket together with the coordinator Fernando. What I like about CIMA is the beautiful mountain scenery and the numerous farm animals. I like to spend time with the kids and play with them or just talk to them. Everyday I get a smile, a hug or an attention. I wish the best for CIMA and a successful future for the boys.

Workshops and various activities

Christmas Celebration

Throughout the month of December, several groups visited CIMA and brought gifts to the children, who were very happy; we had a wonderful time and we are very grateful to the following groups:

  • Academia de futbol Cueto-La Rosa
  • Los Boscos de Avanzada Católica
  • Amigos de CIMA – Patricia Chavez
  • Red de negocios internacionales – BNI Capaq Ñan
  • Colegio Raimondi
  • Claudia y Ariana, egresadas de la facultad de Ciencias de la comunicación de la ULIMA
  • Wicho García, vocalista de Mar de Copas y su fans de grupo Somos SUNA.

Your participation is greatly appreciated by both children and adults. Thank you for coming and bringing joy among us!

Birthdays of the month:

We greet the following children and teenagers on their birthday, wishing them much happiness and many blessings.

  • Christofer Alanya
  • Diego Maldonado
  • Jheisson Ugaz
  • Hitalo Lino
  • Justin Ledesma
  • Juan Yupanqui

Nuevo niño en CIMA

We welcome José Esqueche: we hope that your stay at CIMA le will be very useful.


Exhibition by students at the school closing 2022, day of achievement
  • We mourn the passing of our beloved Poupy, a great collaborator of Elise Gonnet of the association Ayud’Art in France. Poupy visited us on a few occasions and was a great friend to all of us.
  • A second biodigester has been built with more capacity than the first. Elvis Flores was in charge of the project with colleagues from the Agrarian University La Molina. The Oberle Peru Foundation financed the project.
  • The beekeeping workshop has been repowered, thanks to a donation from the Loebel family in Germany. The work is carried out by Jeferson Quiroz and fellow students from the Agrarian University La Molina.
  • The volunteer Gabriel developed the cultivation of hydroponic fodder, to feed the farm animals. Gabriel has also germinated lentils as food for the children.
  • The Luxembourg-Peru association “ALP” has approved a major project to install solar panels, hot water and outdoor lighting. Thanks to this project we will be able to reduce electricity consumption.
  • The Pensionnat du Saint-Nom-de-Marie de Montréal, Canada has organized an activity to benefit CIMA with students from several classrooms. Thanks to the management, teachers and students for their generous contribution.

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