Smile of the montH
Carlos Gonzales

Hello, my name is Carlos Gonzales. I am 14 and this is my testimony. I was out on the streets, stealing from my family and friends. I used different psychoactive substances and did what was needed to be able to get them. In 2021, I joined CIMA because my mother told me it was time to worry about a good future, and she was right. I learned many good things that I would never have known while living on the streets. One example is music: I learned to play various instruments. In addition, I was taught what responsibility and tolerance are. I thank my family for bringing me here and Padre for welcoming me. I feel great here: I learn a lot and I will continue to do so. Thank you very much, CIMA.
Workshops and various activities

An activity that interests many of our young people is chess. Professor Dante is a member of the Peruvian Chess Federation. Dante teaches the basics of this activity and organizes tournaments among children, according to different age groups. The practice of chess allows you to develop various skills, including concentration. In the past, some of our young people have successfully represented their school in regional competitions.
Testimony of Alberto Rojas – EX CIMA

Through these lines I want to share a little of my life: many of our companions had the immense luck and blessing to come to the wonderful CIMA home. CIMA was my home for 4 years, the family I never had. Jean-Louis became my father and the mother. Myra in my mom. Small, the affection I had for them was huge. I asked them to be my godparents for my baptism and it was my salvation: they have healed my wounds, educated me, corrected me, fed me, protected me from the cold and dangers of the streets of Lima. These streets had a high degree of danger in those times. It was Jean-Louis, Myra and the wonderful tutors of CIMA who taught me great values. You can be certain that these foundations, these pillars, these values that you sowed me in my childhood are put into practice every day. Values such as honesty, discipline, commitment, love of neighbor, the desire to excel together with love of God above all things, make me a good Christian and an honest citizen. When I left CIMA in 1997, I arrived at the Don Bosco house run by Salesian priests. There I was able to study the career of car mechanic. A few years later, I got a job with Enviosin agency in Argentina, where they offered me to manage a branch in the province of Buenos Aires. Thanks to my efforts and good results, I was transferred to the central office of Chile where, with a lot of effort, I was able to boost sales. I had many job achievements, but my desire was to study. In2013, I started engineering studies at the University of Santiago de Chile, and manage to make it by 2017. After my internship I was hired in a mining company, where the project lasted 4 years. I recently became supervisor of operations; this job is for me is the realization of a dream, and the proof that with perseverance and effort, one can achieve one’s goals. I want to give one piece of advice to my brothers at CIMA: fight for your dreams. Everything is possible for the one who wants it. Take advantage of the advice of your tutors and Jean-Louis. Take care of him and value him, he is the most wonderful person I have ever met in my life. From the depths of my heart, I ask the God of life to always keep you healthy, take care of you and guide you. The light of hope Jean-Louis reflects on CIMA’s children leads them to the right path and gives them guidelines to become excellent Christians and honest citizens. With the most of my affections
Testimony of Anthony Zahoum
Volunteer from France

My first stay at CIMA was in May 2019 with the student association Ayuda Latina, now called HUMANI. The objective was to help CIMA and develop a project around the “farm” workshop. I was impressed by this month of sharing, of joy… and the soccer games! I decided to return and have a new the experience at CIMA from January to June 2020, doing an internship in project management. This experience allowed me to see CIMA as an organization/company and to become aware of the challenges faced by the human society (even more so in a period of COVID-19). Two years later, at the end of 2022, I came back to CIMA as a volunteer. My favorite workshop at CIMA is the farm. Sebastian, the teacher in charge of the workshop, is a wonderful person. He listens to the children and adapts his speech according to the interlocutor. Sebastian shares his knowledge about plants, animals, etc., and his values of life with the boys. What brings me back to CIMA is the relationship between Jean-Louis, the children, the staff and the volunteers. CIMA is a true place of exchange and intergenerational coexistence. In addition, what a joy it is to keep contact with each of the children and follow their reintegration step by step. In short, these three experiences have allowed me to grow and gain in maturity. The little I could contribute to CIMA was returned to me one hundred percent. Iwill be eternally grateful for what CIMA has given me. “CIMA is my home, my sweet home”
Birthday of the month:
- Isaac Roca
- Dayron Ledesma
- Rafael Bautista
- Miguel Fiestas
- Félix De La Cruz
May you have a long and happy life and may God bless you always!
New arrivals:
- Caled Quintana
- Nick Llantoy
- Rafael Ruiz
We wish you a happy stay in this your new home.

- We had the pleasant visit of Vanessa Lecointre, director of the ANQAS association, who offered us an online training in resource mobilization.
- We welcome Fanny Dominguez, new CIMA educator.
- CIMA had a fair where we sold furniture, artifacts, clothing and farm animals. Meals prepared by mothers of CIMA’s children were also sold, and we thank all the people who participated in this event.
- The Catholic Advanced Association organized a lightning soccer championship for the children and they offered a very nice snack.
- We thank the association Risas con Amor for their visit and the pleasant moment they have shared with the children. This association found sponsors to offer a gift to each of the CIMA children.
- We recently celebrated the 19th reunion of the former CIMA boys. Because of the pandemic, we were unable to organize it these last two years. Many ex-CIMA boys made it and we had a wonderful time.