The Smile of the Month
Eduardo Juárez
Hello, my name is Eduardo, I am 13 years old and live in house C-3. Before I was on the street and stole money from my grandfather, who decided to bring me to CIMA so I could change my behavior. When I arrived here at CIMA, it was hard for me to adjust. When I understood what it meant to me, I was able to change. CIMA for me is a paradise because I learned to sort out my ideas. In the music workshop, I learned to play the zampoña and that’s what I’m passionate about. I thank God, Father Jean-Louis, my tutors and teachers for everything. In the future I want to be a musician.

Testimony of Martín Vásquez, Ex-CIMA.
Hello, my name is Martin. I arrived at CIMA home in 1990, when I was 10 years old. I lived on the streets and met Father Jean-Louis in Square San Martin in Lima. My friends and I were afraid of him because we saw that he sometimes left with children and we did not know where he was taking them, so we never approached the father. Well, little by little, we met him and I learned that our friends, who disappeared, were taken to a home called CIMA. In this house, they were given food, clothes and slippers. We walked barefoot on the streets of Lima, wearing shorts and sometimes no polo shirt. When I agreed to go with the father, they took me to CIMA’s house in Jirón Puno, the center of Lima. From there, we moved to a house in Villa María, and finally to the house in Cieneguilla. I studied at the Huarangal school in Cieneguilla, and spent several years at CIMA where my life changed. Now I work as a painter, plumber and electrical helper and have four children, and I’m doing well.

Testimony of Esther Guzmán, collaborator
Hi, I’m Esther Guzmán, I work in the administrative area. Seeing children with difficulties and problems at such a young age makes me reflect on how much they need our support and understanding. Seeing them every day improving in their behavior and their studies, striving to learn in the workshops and seeing them happy of their achievements, gives me energy to carry out my work. It is gratifying to hear ex-CIMA men say how grateful they are for the opportunity and support they were given in their childhood. I would like to conclude by saying that helping children now gives us hope that our society can do better tomorrow.

Workshops and various activities:
The hydroponics workshop is very nice: it is a place where one cannot play or joke. There, I learned about: nutrients, watering, sand washing and water oxygenation. I have been in this workshop for a year and peace of mind.
Birthday of the month:
Adiel Cajacuri
Jhadiel Chucos
Kris Sinchi
Julia Huillca
Eddi Fonseca
We will offer you a precious day, and success.
New children at CIMA:
Welcome home!
Jeremy Miñan
Oscar Huanca
Cristian Billacrisis
Luís Espinoza
Gabriel Ayala
Dilan España
Campbell Narro
José David García
Ángel Sosa
Rómulo Almonacid
Marco Arce
Eduar Huerta
Ronald Meza
Geremy Sangronis
Anthony Juárez
We had the pleasant visit of Patricia Chávez and Jorge Pacheco who offer the Ex-CIMA an excellent opportunity to work in Spain in the areas of construction and transportation.

Thanks to the Luxembourg-Peru ALP Association, which approved our solar energy project, and consequently, solar panels were installed. This will considerably reduce our electricity bills.
We closed the summer workshops: for each workshop, three exceptional boys received a diploma.

The German foundation OBERLE has had its annual meeting. For 2 days, all representatives of the organizations that receive help from the foundation exchanged ideas on various topics.