The smile of the month
Cristofer Alanya
Hello my name is Cristofer. When I was living on the streets of Lima, I liked to drink and steal, that was my life outside the home: I used to steal money for my vices. One day my parents took me to CIMA, a home to change your life. When I arrived at CIMA, I liked it and decided to stay. I didn’t know anyone except a former classmate from another shelter and I felt accompanied by him. I was terrible in school, I was the last of all until a tutor named Miguel Fiestas arrived. He told me to catch up and persevere for a month, which I did and succeeded: I passed the year thanks to his support and the focus on my studies. Now I’m better and advanced a lot, I am pleased about it. I also thank Father Jean-Louis, for creating this home that supports us in achieving our goals. At CIMA, I learned to play 9 instruments: the zampoña, the charango, the piano, the bass, the guitar, the drums, the cajón, the bass drum and the trumpet, now I am learning to play the quena and I know that I will succeed and become a great musician. I also want to work in marketing, because I’m good at math and I want to be a professional, and get ahead in the future. I also want to be one more minor from CIMA who achieved his goals in life.

Testimony of Ex-CIMA: Félix de la Cruz
Hello everyone, my name is Felix de la Cruz and I am 33 years old … When I was 14 years old, I learned from a gentleman that there was a home called CIMA where I could improve without being hungry or cold, and where I would have a place to sleep. So, I decided to join CIMA. When we were driving there, we passed hills and a river, and I found the journey very long. When I arrived at CIMA, they welcomed me with open arms and asked me if I wanted to stay. The person who welcomed me called the tutor of the pavilion where I stayed, and the tutor sent me to take a shower. My clothes were dirty and torn; the tutor asked the boys to lend me flip-flops, a polo shirt and trousers, and the boys were willing to share their clothes. The first thing I learned at CIMA was to be kind and support those who have nothing. Above all, I learned to help people without expecting anything in return. When I arrived at CIMA, I had only studied up to third grade of primary school. However, I couldn’t read. I had to start all over, from the beginning. At CIMA, there was a teacher, who taught me to read and write, because there was an accelerated program. That’s how I managed to study the first three grades in one year. I was also able to attend fourth, fifth, and sixth grades in one year. At the time, I was already 16. In addition to finishing primary school, I learned a lot in the workshops regarding music, crafts, painting on fabric, farm, cooking, among others skills. In secondary school, I had to show my knowledge learned in primary school. My classmates were twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and I was embarrassed by the age difference. I am now 36 years old and I have been a collaborator of CIMA in the farm workshop for three years. When I see a boy arriving with street behavior and little by little, starts changing, it gives me a lot of joy. Seeing children overcoming their problems is something that makes me very happy. It makes me want to continue working with them. I thank Father Jean-Louis for giving me this opportunity and allowing me to help the boys as in its time, CIMA helped me.

Testimony of a collaborator: Leandro Jara
CIMA: A journey of hope
My name is Leandro, I am 34 years old and I am an educator at CIMA. I started the journey called “HOPE” on March 01, 2022. My experience as a youth educator is incredible. Knowing the boys and being part of their growth and change, convinced me that we all deserve a second chance, no matter how hard life has been. At CIMA we have extremely skilled and talented young people, capable of achieving anything they set out to do. Here they develop different skills and techniques, which go beyond just studies. Young men that I tend to call “children” are part of my life, their daily achievements are my motivation and satisfaction. Rightly, I strive to give them an optimistic outlook on life. I hope they love and respect each other, for a better personal development. I thank God and CIMA for opening its doors to me, and allowing me to be on this journey of hope with this great family.

Workshops and various activities:
Recycling of solid waste
Recycling is a daily activity with our children and adolescents. CIMA is an ecological environment where children interact respectfully with nature. In the district of Cieneguilla, we live in a rural environment. CIMA’s drinking water comes from a well. We improve its quality by treating the water in a purification plant. Sewage is also recycled: from the house, it reaches a first treatment plant where solids and liquids are separated. Solids go directly to the composters and its product is used as fertilizer. Liquids go to another treatment plant, where they are purified and used in the irrigation of crop fields, fish farming and hydroponic cultures. In addition, we have two biodigesters: the first one receives the animal’s excrements, and processes them to obtain gas for our kitchen. In addition, it produces a liquid fertilizer called “Biol”. The second biodigester treats organic waste from vegetables, fruits and leaves, with the same function as the first biodigester. Finally, paper, cardboard, metals and glass are recycled.
Birthdays of the month:
Janter Villalobos
Santiago Maldonado
Rafael Ruiz
Eduar Huerta
Cristian Huamali
New children at CIMA:
Welcome home!
Cristiano Hidalgo
Juan Rodriguez
Mark Ramirez
Erick Ramirez
Naen Misiyauri
Eddy Herrera
Franco Huayanay

We had a parent’s school meeting attended by 25 people. A group from the Thirteen Corinthians Community came to spend an evening of prayer.

Elise Gonnet, who runs the Ayud’Art association, came to Peru for a short visit. We were able to share a pleasant moment with her at the home of Julissa Miranda’s parents. With great joy we saw Elise and Mario López again after three years. We also received the visit of Javier Céspedes, new president of BNI.
Ms. Paola Madrid, from BNI, came with two doctors, Dr. Felipe and Dr. Kim who organized the first aid room, and all children’s medical files. Thibault and Chloé, from the Ayud’art association, came to visit us. We really appreciate the beautiful moments we spent together. Jean-Louis participated in the meeting organized by the Campodónico Prize on the campus of the University of Piura in Miraflores. Dr. Gonzalo Díaz, dentist and member of the BNI association, offered to treat our children for free.

Through the NGO OLI, eye doctor Gallo Blanco came with his team and they assessed the eyesight of all the children and staff. They delivered glasses to everyone who needed them. Dr. Juan Carlos Cerna, dentist, will resume his volunteer service to the children of CIMA.