
INFOCIMA N° 20 – August 2022

Hello, my name is Pedro Rea, and I am 17 years old living in house A1. I arrived at CIMA seven months ago and am very happy to be here. I learned many good things, among others, I was taught to keep order and this requires an effort, as I was very messy. I also learned new habits such as getting up early, caring for my hygiene, speak correctly and listen to advice. One of the workshops that I prefer is painting on canvas because it helps me develop patience, and relax. I also like music where I can play the drums, the instrument I like most, although I also play the guitar. The education I receive here helps me a lot and I will always thank CIMA for that.

Workshops and Various Activities

The carpentry workshop

In the carpentry workshop, teens learn the fundamentals about using wood and its derivatives: it is important to understand the wood raw material and how it can be transformed into different products. It allows the creation of wooden objects such as table lamps, chopping and cutting boards, grilled boards among others. The workshop looks at the different techniques and strategies that are required by the carpenter in order to create different types of objects. It is also important to know the tools used by the carpenter.

Testimonies EX-CIMA

José Taype

My name is José Taype. For me, CIMA is the place any child could want: I was in the first class of the 1990s, and arrived here because I was struggling with addiction and living on the streets for a year, relying on robberies. I remember one day I was arrested and ended up at the commissary. Father Jean-Louis arrived and saved me by taking me to CIMA, which helped me turn my life around. The affection, love, food, daily lessons gave me a complete learning process and I received an education at CIMA, for which I am very grateful. If it were not for father Jean-Louis, I don’t know what my life would have been. Now 43, everything I learned at CIMA helped me a lot to become a responsible father. I have three children and two grand-children and I try to give them the best of me. Thank you all who helped me become a good man, including my tutors at CIMA, which I will never forget.

Emma testimonial

Volunteer from France

My experience at CIMA will continue to be unforgettable. When leaving France for a month to do my first humanitarian experience, I did not think I would experience something so intense. I met very endearing guys who gave a lot of love and were full of kindness. To see them at CIMA, it is difficult to imaging what they went through before coming to the center. CIMA brings the best of each of them. Talking to the boys is when I realized how different their lives are from ours, and how much they have changed at CIMA. It was during these exchanges that my humanitarian experience took its full meaning. I also met teachers and tutors who were motivated to help the boys. They helped in our integration process and trusted us from the start. In the workshops and in class, I was able to discover and value the many talents the boys demonstrated, whether in music, painting or sports. Each one of them has a great potential and I really appreciated that the teachers and tutors pushed them to develop their potential. One word to describe my experience at CIMA: I would choose the word sharing. I had come to give and left after receiving a lot. I came to help life at CIMA and received smiles, laughter and love. I leave with many memories, while I discovered a passion for piano. This experience lasted only a month that was so intense, I will never forget it. Experiencing something so strong leads me to invest even more in the humanitarian association HUMANI in our school, to continue helping CIMA from France. I will end this testimony by wishing the best to all the children at CIMA, and congratulate the members of the team that watches over these children: in a very short time, they have become my friends.

Birthdays of the month: Minors:

  • Jesús Cueva
  • Vincent Segura
  • Nell Vargas
  • Carlos Gonzales
  • Miguel Juárez


  • Jorge Saavedra

At CIMA, we know that words cannot be replaced by a hug, but they serve to send our best wishes on your birthday. Congratulations on YOUR day!


We had the pleasant visit of Miriam Castro and Pierre Farah-Lajoie. Miriam is the Director of the Father Ménard Foundation while Pierre is its Vice-President. The Foundation helps CIMA with various projects, and we thank you for your visit.

Our children and teenagers paid a visit to the Nicolini Car Museum in La Molina, Lima. The museum has been open for fourteen years and exhibits antique and classic vehicles. We thank the Nicolini family for the invitation.

Mid Autumn, our dear Father Jean-Louis will travel to Canada and will return in October. We hope that you will be able to rest while in Canada and that your encounters will be successful.

So far this year, we have received two groups of young French people from the Neoma Business School. We welcomed nine young people in June from the HUMANY association, including: Lanna, Moto, Chloé, Flor, Jojo, Laure, Emma and Audry. In July and August, we welcomed seven young people from ESC sin Fronteras, including: Enuel, Fael, Margaux, Flavie, Victoria, Léa and Emilia. We thank all of you for the work done while at CIMA.

This month, CIMA welcomed five young volunteers from the group SGDF – Guides et Scouts de France. They spent two weeks at CIMA and collaborated in the various activities and chores of the home. We thank you for your valuable contribution to CIMA.

Ina Loebel from Germany was the first volunteer to reach CIMA after the Peruvian Government lifted the COVID-19 travel sanctions. She arrived in August 2021 and stayed with us for a year. Ina helped a lot with English classes and in workshop activities.   Ina: both children and collaborators of CIMA wish to thank you. We are grateful and will always remember you, carrying you in our hearts. We wish you all the best in your new projects.

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